


The weather was nice the day I left
Paris. The shutters were closed, didn’t wake up until 9:30. Marc was awake watching “Didou” on the computer. Crystal
was busy changing Nina.
Coffee’s done, in the kitchen.
I packed everything while watching “Snatch” the night before.
”Everything’s ready” I said to myself.

After the ???????自己看不懂自己的筆跡,等猜出來寫些什麼再補, Crystal came down stairs with Nina.
She laid Nina on the couch, gave her a bottle of milk and a few toys to play with. Then we headed to the kitchen.
I had a cake with milk, she had a toast with coffee. We chatted like usual but the clock was ticking. We both knew it was about time to say goodbye.

So we both lit a cigarette, kept chatting.
The cigarettes burned slow but time flew.
I put it out, went to the living room, picked up my backpack, kissed Nina and said goodbye to Marc.
I was afraid that he would start to cry so I gave him the last “cadeau” I had.
A sticker book from “Yo-Yo TV”.
Then I turned to the door,
opened it for me.
I carried the 20 kg luggage down stairs, on to the street.
I stopped, turned around and we hugged.
We both started to babies.

Marc’s sometimes a Royal Pain in the Ass and Nina whines whenever she wants to.
(Why not? She’s only a baby!)
But I had so much fun with them.
It was very sad that I had to leave them and didn’t know when we could see each other again.
Thank God they are going to move to
Hopefully, I’ll get to see them more often. 

The trip to the “aeroport” was easy. A woman was singing chanson on the metro.
Well, of course she was hoping to get some small change from the passengers.
I didn’t give her anything. She left for another cart. The chanson was nice.
She had a charming, warm, kinda old fashioned voice, just like Edith Piaf.

There, I left Paris
I thought I would hate that city because of the snobbish French…..
Well, I guess I enjoyed Paris
very much and I don’t hate French that much.

Now, I am heading Bangkok.
It’s almost the end of my journey.
There will be some more adventures ahead of me.


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