
John Mayer

不! 我說的不是這個落跑雞啦!
然後才play這首St. Patrick’s Day
不用懷疑!我確定不是Chicken Run,那是很近代的事情。
傳來的是一陣溫柔,有磁性的爵士歌聲,就像Nat King Cole那樣。
所有圍繞在他身邊的母雞舉起右邊 / 或左邊翅膀,先遮住額頭,然後再不斷為自己搧風,就像炎炎夏日中暑暈倒的美女,嘴裡發出「~ ~ ~」還帶點春意的讚嘆聲昏厥過去,接著突然就下了山一般高的雞蛋。
當時坐在車裡的我,聽到John Mayer的歌聲,也發出「~ ~ ~」的讚嘆。
他的聲音超厚,給人超有安全感的,加上歲末年終聽St. Patrick’s Day,真是
~ 有戀愛的感覺。
不是我愛講,如果John Mayer有出卡拉OK伴唱帶(好土,現在誰還用伴唱帶啊..),每首歌都嘛可以朗朗上口,至少Rooms for Squares那一張,本人一定唱第一名。
後來電視上開始狂打猛打John Mayer的歌,有一天Much More Music要播他的演唱會。

James Taylor有頭髮的時候好有氣質~
本以為會見到一個像James Taylor一樣的氣質脫俗民歌手。
He just a Baby~ How very cute….!

厚厚的嘴唇,大大的眼睛,捲捲的頭髮,真不敢相信那個厚厚的聲音是從一個囝仔嘴裡唱出來 ~

直到某天,才前一陣子啦!電視上看到好萊塢八卦新聞,說他跟那個看起來很像戴假牙的做作女 – Jessica Simpson泡上了。

左邊是潔西卡,右邊是肯尼跟芭比? 噁~
~ 好不搭! !超不搭的啦! 噁死了。做作女跟她那個長得像肯尼娃娃的前夫很搭啊!幹麼來約清純有如Choir BoyJohn Mayer! 討厭!(But who knows? 我猜所有的男人,不管多有氣質多有學問多有書卷氣~ 應該都愛金髮辣妹吧? 尤其是Jessica這種噁噁噁!)
MSN上我跟L抱怨:「John MayerJessica Simpson那個Bimbo在一起耶,噁~ 厚,怎麼還不分啊?
? 真的嗎? Yeah! 好高興!
在這冷風颼颼的夜晚,又把Rooms for Squares找出來放(應該把冬至湯圓再拿出來煮一下 ~加點紅豆!),希望John溫柔低沉的聲音,配合這乾冷的天氣,就在農曆新年來臨之前,帶來一點點溫馨。
Have a nice chilly night!



St. Patrick’s Day

Here comes the cold
Break out the winter clothes
And find a love to call your own
You - enter you
Your cheeks a shade of pink
And the rest of you in powder blue

Who knows what will be
But I'll make you this guarantee

No way November will see our goodbye
When it comes to December it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone at Christmas time

In the dark, on the phone
You tell me the names of your brothers
And your favorite colors
I'm learning you
And when it snows again
We'll take a walk outside
And search the sky
Like children do
I'll say to you

No way November will see our goodbye
When it comes to December it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone at Christmas time
And come January we're frozen inside
Making new resolutions a hundred times
February, won't you be my valentine?
And we'll both be safe 'til St. Patrick's Day
We should take a ride tonight around the town
and look around at all the beautiful houses
something in the way that blue lights on a black night
can make you feel more
everybody, it seems to me, just wants to be
just like you and me

No one wants to be alone at Christmas time
Come January we're frozen inside
Making new resolutions a hundred times
February, won't you be my valentine?

And if our always is all that we gave
And we someday take that away
I'll be alright if it was just 'til St. Patrick's Day


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